

A few years after the initial proposal to Tamsui District Director Mr Tsai Yeh-wei, a sculpture in honor of those Tamsui-lang who perished during the Pacific War has actually be completed. It is located within Tamsui Peace Park.

The mother-holding-a-baby theme is based on the autobiography of Eyedoc's mother, who had  received an unexpected notification from Township Office to collect ashes of her husband Dr Tze-Chang Cheng, and in mourning, had gone to the shore of Tamsui River with her baby to look at Guanyin Mountain, in total shock, facing an unknown future at the same time...


Update 28 - 台中州陳佰林醫師

BH 報知,她於一偶然機會,從一位洪醫師得悉他好友的叔叔也是便乘神靖丸,並且名單中的台中州(歿)陳柏霖醫師,可能因為筆劃類似,應是陳佰林醫師。本部落格謹此更正。