



黃夫人也回想到當年臺中被美軍轟炸時,疏開到鄉下.還記得有位朋友一邊逃掃射,一邊拉開一把雨傘來"防彈",被一位低飛的美軍飛行員看到,兩人也居然相視而笑.大概就是一場無言的對話:"沒嚇倒你?" "沒被嚇倒!"



4 則留言:

BH 提到...

Thank you for the post!

Glad that you and your son had great reunion with Dr.Wei & Dr. Huang and their families.

However, why do you show an empty table? We would like to see you guys gathering there.

EyeDoc 提到...

That was in honor of the deceased.

BH 提到...

I got it.

Sorry for being so insensitive and not to figure out its meaning!

I like the photo you use as your icon that looks like " an eye in the sky". I have used it several times to associate with" God's eye is watching all over us"

God bless!

EyeDoc 提到...

We wish you were there in Taichung, your hometown, too. Maybe soon?