
靖国神社 と 千鳥ケ淵戦没者墓苑

Posted by EyeDoc

Eyedoc東京尋父之行 (10/30/2008):

(Click arrow to start the video)

根据神奈川新聞1955年神靖丸乘員300人遺骨引揚(ひきあげ)的報導,及1959年3月建成的千鳥ケ淵戦没者墓苑目的就是收納海外戰場無名戰死者.如無意外,此墓苑應是神靖丸醫師,醫事助手及工作人員最後安息之地.網站在: http://homepage2.nifty.com/boen/


遺骨収集の実施: 1952年開始,見http://www.mhlw.go.jp/bunya/engo/seido01/index.html


3 則留言:

BH 提到...

Dear Eye Doc:

Thank you for the post.
I've posted it in funp.com too.

May our fathers be remembered!

BH 提到...

Dear Eye Doc:

At first, I didn't realize the building photo is a video clip.

Later, I clicked the picture and felt like that I had been there to visit the memorial site too.

Thank you for the post and the music that is very soothing indeed.

Thank God that nothing can separate us from His love, not even death.

God bless you and yours,

匿名 提到...

Dear EyeDoc:非常感謝,因您不斷不捨的努力終於找到了我們的父親們最後安息的地點!令我欣慰而泣,再此致上最高敬意和謝忱。aci