紀念不幸陣亡的台灣醫師 醫療助手 農業生產人員 1945年1月12日
完全是 Fung-yin 的功勞.
對不起,應該是謝謝郭Fung- Yin小姐(不是先生,我弄錯了,請原諒)和鄭醫師!
Dear Eye Doc:It is so great to get the whole list of names.Thanks to Fung-yin and you.Are you going to post all the names on this blog?I hope so!I notice that you have added many interesting articles since my last visit. Thanks!
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4 則留言:
完全是 Fung-yin 的功勞.
對不起,應該是謝謝郭Fung- Yin
Dear Eye Doc:
It is so great to get the whole list of names.
Thanks to Fung-yin and you.
Are you going to post all the names on this blog?
I hope so!
I notice that you have added many interesting articles since my last visit. Thanks!