Happy New Year
to you all!
紀念不幸陣亡的台灣醫師 醫療助手 農業生產人員
最近幾天臺灣有紀念二戰盟軍滯臺戰俘之舉. 11月11日在大直立了一個紀念碑,13日在金瓜石還有紀念儀式.這些戰俘乃太平洋戰爭在新加坡等地投降的英聯盟軍及各戰地被俘的美軍.在轉運到臺灣及日本(包括滿洲)時所搭乘的就是一些出名的"地獄船 Hell-ships",因為船上既擠且髒,欠食缺水,加上普遍遭受日軍虐待,傷病死亡者甚多.
還有另一個反方向的運俘,在龍應台教授的"大江大海一九四九"一書中也提到中國戰俘從上海被運到新幾內亜拉包爾 (Rabaul) 的地獄船慘況.
太平洋戰爭後,被拘留在澳洲集中營的 350臺灣人,包括大人和小孩,預定由雪梨港與日本,韓國人戰俘一起遣送,趕出澳洲.來接人的"宵月Yoizuki",僅是一2,700噸的日本驅逐艦.神靖丸也是同樣噸級,還是改裝的貨船,也只能運送 400人左右而己.但澳洲軍方悍然的拒絕臺灣人的抗議,居然強迫 1,005人上船,航行到 2,000哩外的拉包爾.這就是所謂的 "宵月地獄船事件 The Yoizuki Hell-ship Incident".
以下的照片就是1946年3月6日,臺灣人家庭在雪梨 Pyrmont 碼頭集合上船前的景況:
文中提到台中州 林伯槐醫官 東京醫專 妻小演花子(上野音樂學校)子女-芳子、芳壽
陳新彬 東京醫專
高煥槙 東京醫專
台南州朴子 鄭慶朝
取自台灣文學 2011冬季號 鍾逸人 二戰未朝的台灣人醫生"
鄭慶朝醫師列名為"春山慶朝", 居住地為"東石郡朴子街朴子"
岩手醫大 Iwate Medical School in Morioka where Dr Cheng Tze-Chang of Danshui was accepted but did not attend. He went back to Taiwan to study at Taihoku Imperial University Medical School instead. Dr Wu Ping-Chen of Tainan, on the other hand, had graduated from Iwate and returned home to practice in Taiwan. Below: the original entrance of the medical school:
Above: Founder Dr Mita Tatsujiro and the stairway leading up to the patient wards, and below: the new university hospital entrance:
Dr Wu resumed his medical career in 宮古市Miyako City after retiring in Taiwan. Miyako is a seaside town; its bay area was hit hard by the tsunami on March 11, 2011. The center of the city itself, fortunately, did not sustain too much damage. Below is the train station, looking beyond it and about one mile is the sea. The sign to the right says: Let's go! Miyako (Kanbaro Miyako):
We are saddened to learn that the last surviving member of the class of 1941, 台北帝國大學附屬醫學專門部Imperial Taihoku University Medical School, 林鵬飛醫師Dr Lin Peng-Fei had passed away in March, 2010, at age 92. He was survived by his wife and 5 children.
In 1944/5, Dr Lin was drafted to serve as an IJN doctor海軍軍醫 until the Pacific War ended. Dr Lin then practiced as a surgeon at 台中醫院Taichung Hospital and 彰化基督教醫院Changhua Christian Hospital. He later returned to his hometown 霧峰Wu-feng and opened 民生診所Ming-Sheng Clinic specializing in general medicine. He was well-respected as an ethical physician who often provided free care to the poor. After nearly 50 years of service, Dr Lin retired in 1990 and subsequently relocated to Taichung City.
Dr Lin was a family man who had served his countrymen well.
[Source: 江鳥飛林]
In addition to Shinsei Maru, there were other losses during the Pacific War. These are only now beginning to surface. One of the sunken ships was 護國丸 (the Gokoku Maru), and with it 212 Taiwanese youths, only 88 survived. These were high school graduates drafted in 1944 to serve in the IJN and they were sailing from Kaohsiung to training camps in mainland Japan.
護國丸 was one of the three high-speed armed transport ships, a group known as the Hōkoku Maru Type (pictured below, peace- and war-time, respectively) that included 報國丸 (Hōkoku Maru), 愛國丸 (Aikoku Maru), and 護國丸. They were funded and built based on a 1937 government directive “优秀船舶建造助成资金” and were owned and operated by Osaka Shipping Co, initially assigned to run the Japan <--> E Africa route.The dimensions of this group of ships were as follows:
Displacement: 10,438 long tons (10,605 t) gross
Length: 160.8 m (527 ft 7 in) overall
Beam: 20.1 m (65 ft 11 in)
Draught: 12.5 m (41 ft 0 in)
Propulsion: 2 × Mitsui-B&W Model 12-62 VF-115 diesels, 2 shafts
Speed and armament:
Hōkoku Maru
21.1 knots
• 8 × 150 mm (5.9 in) L/40 naval guns
• 2 × 76.2 mm (3.00 in) L/40 AA guns
• 4 × 533 mm (21.0 in) torpedo tubes
Aikoku Maru
20.9 knots
• 8 × 140 mm L/50 naval guns
• 4 × 25 mm AA guns
• 4 × 533 mm torpedo tubes
Gokoku Maru
20.6 knots
• 2 × 120 mm (4.7 in) L/40 AA guns
• 6 × 25 mm AA guns
• 2 × 13 mm AA guns
• 2 × 7.7 mm machine guns
• 4 × 533 mm torpedo tubes
Update 7/16/2011 6:00PM
Congratulations to Japanese Women's Soccer Team for winning the World Cup.
Update 3/19/2011 2:48PM
救災重建,路途還很長遠.好好的走. Good luck.
Update 3/17/2011 11:00PM
情況其實不佳: 福島第一核電廠危機持續中.東北地區又見大雪,數十萬災民在救難中心,苦盼運送不到的食物食水和燃油.因為交通還是斷絕: 東海道新幹線停駛,淹沒的仙台機場也尚未復原,貨車無油可用,公路只能開放一部份作緊急通行之用.
Update 3/15/2011 4:00PM
終於收到仙台市東北文化學園大學校長電郵: 教職員都好,正在努力復員中.
3/12/2011今天的波士頓環球報登了這幅劫後餘生照,説明是: "一位陸前高田女仕在救難中心遇到朋友". 陸前高田市是岩手県的一海邊小鎮.被昨日大地震後的津波徹底毀滅.
吳平城醫師就是在岩手醫專畢業,在臺退休後也曾在陸前高田市及宮古市行醫.宮古市也沒有逃過這場浩劫. 鄭子昌醫師也曾考取岩手醫專,但最後決定回臺北帝大醫科就學.
黃夫人也回想到當年臺中被美軍轟炸時,疏開到鄉下.還記得有位朋友一邊逃掃射,一邊拉開一把雨傘來"防彈",被一位低飛的美軍飛行員看到,兩人也居然相視而笑.大概就是一場無言的對話:"沒嚇倒你?" "沒被嚇倒!"