

除了吳平城醫師的“軍醫日記”外,第二部有關神靖丸的書,“此心不沉: 陳纂地與二戰末期台灣人醫生” 預訂於7月1日出版。 陳纂地醫師倖存後,滯留越南,參與其獨立戰爭,返台後又是228事件,台中地區的主要人物之一,事敗逃亡,自首後,被限制在台北開業行醫。

作者鍾逸人出生於1921年,是陳醫師的戰友。 這本書補全了一大部分神靖丸事件史,值得一讀。

2 則留言:

BH 提到...

Great to hear this news; from the introduction of the new book about him, it seems this Dr. M. Chen's story will fill in many missing links of Shinsei Maru.

That surely is a good news!
Thank you for the post.

EyeDoc 提到...

From the description of the webpage, it would seem so. Most important is that Shinsei Maru will never be forgotten. Now we have another record of the loss.