Posted by BH
A web search of "陳德煥醫師" through Google reveals the info shown below - which closely mirrors the 神靖丸 story. Can someone out there kindly verify that this 陳醫師 is one and the same as the one in the 神靖丸醫師存歿名單? Thank you in advance.
1 年前
7 則留言:
I wonder if my friend Gloria knows of Dr. Chen. She's also from Miaoli - 洗水坑 to be specific. Her mother was a nurse during WWII. I think I mentioned her before. Her mom was offered three times her wages to go to Singapore during WWII, but her parents intervened as she was the only girl in the family. Gloria's mom's best friend wasn't so lucky. When she got to Singapore, she was pushed into becoming a prostitute ("comfort woman"). Gloria saw her on the news recently; she was protesting the Japanese, asking for compensation.
Coincidentally, Gloria's last name is Chen.
BTW: 就像油鍋裡的甜不辣 - This mystifies me. "We were then in a pot in sweet oil, not spicy." What on earth does it mean?
甜不辣 is actually Japanese: Tempura.
Ah yes! Tien-bu-la.!nCIMpOmZER.8KLG5dAmqhZWxUA--
陳德煥 服務於桃園縣新屋鄉衛生所 2007/11/08 20:12
(02)2397-5270 call and check 厚生基金會
您好 , 我是新屋鄉人 , 新屋鄉明德診所的陳醫生已經過逝多年 , 原診所所在地亦已經出售 . 台大醫院骨科 陳博光先生是陳醫生的公子
您好 , 我是2008/8/20留言的新屋鄉人 ,
透過親戚(她曾在明德診所工作)找 到一本陳醫生的兒孫們於陳醫生過逝時寫的追憶文章,不過, 沒有提到神靖丸 . 文中提到陳醫生1944年10月自高雄出發, 經香港, 海南島而達越南西貢,不多時,船於西貢海岸被美軍軍機炸沉. 其它的內容則和此篇開頭的內容相同 .